Another Change of Direction
I’ve been trying out a few different approaches to this blog over recent months. Firstly, I finished my year-long series on Writing as a Small Business. This was partly because I ran out of topics; there are only so many things that can be dealt with by a non-accountant, non-lawyer – and it gets boring to continually read (or write) “if in doubt, consult a professional”. Also, I wanted to pull all the articles together into a ‘how-to’ book; and that’s my December project (October being sort out the novel in time for a competition deadline and November being NaNoWriMo). And I wanted to widen my topics so I could talk not just to other writers, but to non-writing readers too.
Next, I started posting snippets of new prose at the end of each Monday’s blog. I know there’s a huge debate on whether writers should give away their work for free or not (and I’m not going to go there today), but I also know free samples are a tried and tested method of marketing in other industries, so I thought I’d give it a go. However, that didn’t work too well, as each post ended up way too long. So, I moved my new prose to a Thursday, keeping the Monday slot for factual posts.
And then I ran out of things to talk about. You might say I was stumped for ideas! Actually, that’s not quite true; as anyone who knows me will confirm, I can always find something to talk about. But something interesting that other people might want to read – well, that’s a different matter.
So I did what I always do when I’m uncertain of the way forward: I wrote myself a plan! I plan to post a different type of blog each Monday of the month, which meant sorting out four different types (and an extra one for the occasional month with five Mondays).
And here’s the new schedule:
First Monday: The best …
Second Monday: An interview with…
Third Monday: My thoughts on…
Fourth Monday: How to…
Fifth Monday: My top ten..
I hope you’re all impressed at the thought that’s gone into this plan. I’m particularly excited about the interviews I’ve got lined up between now and the end of the year. I’ve tried to come up with some interesting questions and will be introducing a range of people from different walks of life, not just writers (although they will feature quite heavily of course).
But today’s the first Monday in the month (OK, in most parts of the world, it’s actually Tuesday, but somewhere, on a remote island just this side of the international date-line, it’s possibly still Monday) so, here are my nominations for three of the best bloggers for writers.
I always read Molly Greene. Molly describes herself as a author, blogger, blogging specialist and coach. She blogs weekly with an emphasis on advice to indie authors. If you hate new twitter followers who send automatic DMs urging you to like their FB page/subscribe to their website/buy their book, then you might enjoy 10 Tweets You Should never Send and, like me, consider sending the link to anyone who commits any of the ‘sins’ listed. Alternatively, if you read her article on 101 Fabulous Blog Topic Ideas, you will recognise just where my shiny new plan came from.
Anyone who reads my snippets of new prose will recognise the name Morgen Bailey. Morgen’s writerly activities are so widespread, they run into six lines of menu, including online writing groups, critiquing, book reviews and competition lists! I regularly use her daily writing triggers for my warm-up exercises and find them particularly good for flash fiction.
My third blogger is author Matt Haig, who posts periodically on a variety of topics addressed both to writers and readers. Recent non-writerly posts have included a moving piece on depression, What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Weaker and the self-explanatory The World (A Rant). But my main reason for putting Matt on this list is recent his post on 30 Things to Tell a Book Snob. I particularly like numbers 3, 17 and 19. I’m sure you all know people who would benefit from reading that post. I know I do!
So who would you nominate as ‘best blogger for writers’?
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