
By the time you read this, me and the chilli plant (I mean, the chilli plant and I) will be in the car, heading for Devon. It’s a long drive at the best of times, but on a Friday in summer, the M5 can be hell. And the best way to avoid it is to hit the road early. So here’s a quick round-up to finish with.


Spending time with old friends

My 14th Swanwick has been another great week. Huge thanks to the outgoing committee for all their hard work, not just this week, but throughout the past twelve months. To the tutors and workshop leaders who have made the week such a learning experience. To everyone involved in organising and running the entertainment that is such a big part of the week. To all the Book Room volunteers. To all the delegates, old friends and new. And not forgetting the Hayes Conference Centre staff who look after us so well.


The new Chair sets out his stall

Short-term: I’m looking forward to getting home to Devon. Medium-term: I’m hoping for a busy and successful writing year. And long-term: to returning to this magical school once more. I wish the incoming committee all the very best for the next twelve months. The planning starts today.

Elizabeth Ducie was a successful international manufacturing consultant, when she decided to give it all up and start telling lies for a living instead.

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