Ducie’s Diary: June 2021
It’s become a bit of a habit to open these posts with a comment on the weather. How very British of me! In April, I complained about how cold it…
Ducie’s Diary: April 2021
As predicted in last month’s diary, the Easter weekend saw us taking tea (and other beverages) with lots of friends in the garden. Our brand-new gazebo wasn’t needed, as the…
Ducie’s Diary: February 2021
As I sit writing this, I can see out of the corner of my eye custard coloured daffodils, tiny narcissi with trumpets of orange, pale yellow and purple crocuses and…
Ducie’s Diary: January 2021
We may be almost at the end of January, but hopefully it’s not too late to wish you all a very Happy New Year. It’s been while since I’ve written…