Who’s In The Garden This Year?
It’s the start of the second week in August, and time for an important annual event. And no, I don’t mean the Perseid meteor shower, although that often features in…
Saying Goodbye To The Garden
Friday already and at the Hayes Conference Centre, Actual Swanwickers are putting the final touches to their packing, while elsewhere, members of Virtual Swanwick are putting away the garden chairs….
Who’s In The Garden On Monday?
Today our tour takes us across the water to our European neighbour, France, and to the new home of my erstwhile fancy-dress buddy. She’s taken some huge steps recently, as…
#Swanwick69: Wednesday
Wednesday and we are back to the normal programme. So every hour is timetabled for one topic or another. No relaxing today. And it’s also the last day that the…
Elizabeth Chats with Elizabeth M Hurst
This month’s guest is a friend and fellow Swanwicker. We have shared writers’ summer schools in Derbyshire on a couple of occasions and her performances at the fancy dress disco have been…
Counterfeit! Blog Tour
I have been taking part in a blog tour in celebration of the launch of my new novel, Counterfeit! Details of the various stops on the tour are shown below, with links…