Where I’ve Been and Where I’m Going
It’s become a custom for the first post of each year to be a review of how I got on with the previous year’s objectives and the list of new…
Ducie’s Diary: November 2022
November has been an interesting month, with lots going on both on the writing and the marketing front. But I did find time to make good on my intention to…
Ducie’s Diary: February 2022
Well, that’s February done with. It’s only two or three days shorter than the other eleven months, but it seems to make a huge difference, doesn’t it? I spent most…
Ducie’s Diary: January 2022
Okay, so I can read a calendar as well as anyone. I know it’s the first day of February. I know this should have been posted yesterday. But I have…
Designing My Path Through 2022
For a number of years, my first post each January has been a review of the previous year’s writerly achievements followed by my plans for the coming twelve months. I…
Ducie’s Diary: October 2021
For the second month running, I’m posting this late, but have just made it before the month end. (I was thinking of posting it in the early hours of next…
Ducie’s Diary: September 2021
This post is coming out a couple of days late, but I wanted to make sure it appeared in late September, rather than slipping into October. It’s been a busy…
Ducie’s Diary: August 2021
I’m writing this on August Bank Holiday Monday, the last official holiday in the UK until Christmas. At 6.30 this morning, we watched the sun rise over the sea at…
Ducie’s Diary: June 2021
It’s become a bit of a habit to open these posts with a comment on the weather. How very British of me! In April, I complained about how cold it…
Ducie’s Diary: May 2021
What a difference a month makes. In April’s diary, I was talking about spending Easter with friends in the garden wrapped in blankets and cuddling a hot water bottle. For…
Ducie’s Diary: April 2021
As predicted in last month’s diary, the Easter weekend saw us taking tea (and other beverages) with lots of friends in the garden. Our brand-new gazebo wasn’t needed, as the…
Ducie’s Diary: February 2021
As I sit writing this, I can see out of the corner of my eye custard coloured daffodils, tiny narcissi with trumpets of orange, pale yellow and purple crocuses and…
A Game of Three Halves
For the past few years, my first post each January has been a review of the previous year’s writerly achievements followed by my plans for the coming twelve months. I’ve…