Looking Back Thankfully
It’s hard to believe, but there are only two Mondays left to this year. Next week, I’m going to be looking forward to 2015 and making some New Year’s…
Taking a Rain Check…
Like many bloggers, I obsessively check my statistics. I can tell you how many people have looked at my blog each day, every week, every month, or indeed ever! I…
Elizabeth Chats With…Curtis Jobling
[Anyone who read my Swanwick posts back in August will remember how I raved about Curtis Jobling. Originally best known for Bob the Builder, Raa Raa the Noisy Lion and other…
Swanwick65: Cruising in Fifth Gear
This is the point in the week where we are still motoring, but thinking of slowing down. There’s been a lot of writing to do today (which can’t be bad…